Francis Institute

Upcoming classes

Why do I react like this and how can I manage my emotions?

Thursday, January 25, 2024, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm: In this course, you will identify triggers and how to cope with them when dealing with children, practice the steps in handling big emotions, and model talking through difficult emotions with your own feelings and with children. 

Avoiding Power Struggles-Using Statements vs Questions

Saturday, February 17, 2024, 10:00 am-12:00 pm: In this course, you will practice positive language techniques instead of questioning children, learn how to give clear statements that encourage autonomy, and provide choices when appropriate.

Care Routines as Learning Opportunities

Thursday, March 21, 2024, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm: In this course, you will relate every day care routines with children with the learning opportunities related to them, identify your own care routines in your classroom and relate how they help with you with assessment as the teacher, and how to maximize that time for each child.

"I'm Sorry" Apologizing and Meaning It

Thursday, April 25, 2024 ,6:30 pm-8:30 pm: In this course, you will understand what makes a meaningful apology, what all goes into showing that you are sorry, and working with kids to make things right with each other.

Infant & Toddler Learning Environments

Saturday, May 11, 2024, 10:00 am-12:00 pm: In this course, you will see how purposeful organization of the classroom can enhance the learning environment, explore loose parts and provocations, and how ou can use them, even with the youngest of infants.

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Program Overview

Since the 1970's, Metropolitan Community College-Penn Valley (皇冠体育-Penn Valley) has offered college credit classes through the vocational program known as child growth and development.

In 1990, several community leaders and educators embarked on a journey to increase the quality of care for children by providing accessible and affordable education and professional development opportunities to adults working in the field.

A unique partnership was formed by 皇冠体育-Penn Valley, the Francis Family Foundation, the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation, Affiliated Trusts and KCMC Child Development Corporation. Through this collaboration, the Francis Institute Resource Center was created to provide on-site technical assistance, education and training for early childhood and afterschool providers.

In 1995, with a lead gift from the Francis Family Foundation, a state-of-the art child care center was built to complement the existing Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) program, providing students with opportunities for internships and observation.

This addition allowed all of the Francis Institute's services to be housed in one area; bringing new and existing programs under one umbrella and forming a three-tier entity which encompasses the Early Childhood Education and Development (ECED) Program, the child care center and the Francis Institute Resource Center.

Today, the Francis Institute provides trainings and resources for centers in the Kansas City area.

Francis Institute principles

  1. Excellence: We are accountable for the work that we do and are committed to achieving results and positive outcomes. We strive to model "best practices" in the field.
  2. Diversity: We respect the importance of each individual's culture, religion, ethnicity, and lifestyle choice.
  3. Respect: We treat each person honestly with fairness, dignity and compassion.
  4. Collaboration: We work in cooperation with others to strengthen the profession and the community to make the best use of our resources.
  5. Professionalism: We are competent and highly skilled in our field, and we aspire to the highest quality in everything we do.
  6. Accessibility: We offer services that are affordable and available through a variety of delivery methods.
  7. Creativity: We explore and develop innovative ways to enhance our programs.